Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Misleading Blogs: When Descriptions Don't Match the Content

Have you ever read the description for a blog and been really excited to read it, only to find out that the content is not at all what it claimed to be? Well, I just did. I won't mention the blog, but I think this is advice most people should listen to.

The blog claimed to be about architecture; trends, news, and specifically designs. However, the majority of the posts on the blog site were about how this particuluar individual has been connecting with people in the architecture world, and the importance of online marketing and blogging in architecture. The information this blogger provided was in fact useful to many architects, I'm sure. However, the content had nothing to do with what the blog claimed to be about.

This really made me angry, particularly because I was hoping to send some relevant architectural information to my brother, an aspiring architect studying at MIT. I thought he might find content about interesting new design ideas useful in his studies. If the blogger had claimed to be writing about networking and online marketing in the architecture industry, then I would not have been nearly as frustrated when I was searching for content about architecture designs.

Sometimes, it is okay to change things up with a new post about something different or interesting; but the majority of your content should match your blog descrption. For example, this post is a critique of an online marketing/social media tool - which is precisely what my blog claims to be about. My content matches my description.

The lesson to be learned here is not to mislead potential readers of your blog by claiming your blog is about a certain topic, and then actually writing about something else. That's my PR thought for the day.

Image is take from Google images.

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